Type IV/#G128: Roberta Sarah Pedon, alias “Roberta Singer”, “Sadie Schultz”, etc.













kosher tit-fetish pornmag featuring 14-page layout on this Jewess, with cover featuring her wearing the orthodox Judaic tichel.

intra-Tribal “this is one of ours” signaling, via a double-kosher trope: nude but, as per orthodox Judaism, head duly covered; and People of the Book. Altogether one of my favorite shots of this shameless,  big-breasted Jewess as she thus expresses….and mocks….her own Jewishness.































and reflecting….on her Jewishness. In fact a standard Chosen Person trope.

















































….but wait! There’s more….















one of my favorite Jewshots. Capturing not only this Sarah’s racial-sexual Jewishness – those heavy, pendulous Jewtits – but also her complex Chosen Persona: equal parts pensive-aversive and self-mocking.