• Abrams, Nathan: “Triple Exthnics”, Jewish Quarterly, May 2013, 27-31
  • Adelfang, Osie, ed.: Shifting Sands – Jewish Women Confront the Israeli Occupation (Bellevue, 2010)
  • Aptheker, Bettina: Intimate Politics – How I Grew Up Red…(Emeryville, 2016)
  • Arendt, Hannah: Eichmann in Jerusalem – A Report on the Banality of Evil (orig. 1963; Republ. NY, 2006, w forward by Amos Elon)
  • Baltzer, Anna: Witness in Palestine – A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories (Boulder, 2007);
  •  Brenner, Lenni: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Westport, 1983); The Iron Wall – Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir (London, 1984); Jews in America Today (Secaucus, 1986); 51 Documents – Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis (Fort Lee, 2002)
  • Brossat, Alain, and Sylvie Klingberg: Revolutionary Yiddishmand – A History of Jewish Radicalism (London, 2016)
  • Burg, J.G.: Schuld und Schicksal – Europas Juden zwischen Henkern und Heuchlern (Munich, 1962)
  • Cahan, Abraham: The Rise of David Levinsky (NY, 1917)
  • Cohen, Percy: Radical Jews and Jewish Radicalism (NY, 1980)
  • Elhaik, Eran: “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry – Contrasting the Rhineland and Khazarian Hypotheses”, @ http://gbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/12/14/gbe.evs119.full.pdf (large sample DNA study proving that ashkenazic Jews – see also: Koestler – are Khazars out of Asia, not [cf. Ostrer/wikipedia, etc.] “whites from Europe”). IOTW, the Zionist-aliyah “Right of Return” claim is a genetic lie.
  • Feuerlicht, Roberta: The Fate of the Jews – A People Torn Between Israeli Power and Jewish Ethics (NY, 1983)
  • Finkelstein, Norman: The Holocaust Industry – Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (London, 2000); Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (London, 2001)
  • Friedman, Manny: “Jews DO Control the Media”, Times of Israel, 1 July 2012 @ https://councilforthenationalinterest.org/?p=833
  • Gabler, Neal: An Empire of their Own – How the Jews Invented Hollywood (NY, 1988)
  • Giladi, Naeim: Ben-Gurion’s Scandals – How the Haganah and the Mossad Eliminated Jews (Tempe, 2003)
  • Gilman, Sander: Jewish Self-Hatred (Baltimore, 1986)
  • Green, Mark, ed.: Persecution, Privilege, and Power – Reconsidering the Zionist Narrative in American Life (np., 2007)
  • Herzl, Theodore: The Jewish State (orig. Vienna, 1896; see the Dover ed., NY, 1988, pp. 75, 91 for the famous anti-diaspora Jew statements: “when we rise, there also arises our terrible power of the purse; when we fall, we are the officers of all the revolutionary parties”.)
  • Honig-Parnass, Tikva and Toufic Haddad, eds.: Between the Lines – Readings on Israel, the Palestinians, and the U.S. “War on Terror” (Chicago, 2007)
  • Horowitz, David: Radical Son (NY, 1996)
  • Issacsohn, Ilana (a.k.a. Ilana Mercer): “Israel: In Violation of God’s Law, Natural Justice, the Laws of War….” (unz.com/31 March 2024); “….Israel Continues to Murder and Get Away with Murder” (unz.com/18 April 2024); “The Jewish State is Genocidal….” (unz.com/21 May 2024); “Defending Gaza (Part I)….” (unz.com/ 9 June 2024);et seq.
  • Jacobs, Jack: Jews and Leftist Politics (NY, 2017)
  • Josephus, Flavius: The Jewish War (c. 100 AD; many times tr. and repr.)
  • Kaplan, Judy and Linn Shapiro, eds.: Red Diaper Babies – Growing Up in the Communist Left (Chicago. 1998). Of 42 short memoirs, 37 are by Jews.
  • Karpf, Anne et al., eds.: A Time to Speak Out – Independent Jewish Voices on Israel, Zionism, and Jewish Identity (London, 2008)
  • Kimmage, Ann: An Un-American Childhood (Athens, 1988)
  • Koestler, Arthur: The Thirteenth Tribe (NY, 1978)
  • Kushner, Tony and Alisa Solomon, eds.: Wrestling with Zion – Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (NY, 2003)
  • Laxer, James: Red Diaper Baby (NY, 2004)
  • Lazare, Bernard: Antisemitism (orig. 1891; repr. London, 1967)
  • Levy, Robert: Anna Pauker – Rise and Fall of a Jewish Communist (Berkley, 2001)
  • Lilienthal, Alfred: The Zionist Connection (NY, 1978)
  • Makow, Henry: @ http://henrymakow.com
  • Mearsheimer, John and Stephen Walt: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy ()
  • Mendes, Philip: Jews and the Left – Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance (Melbourne, 2014)
  • Mishler, Paul: Raising Reds (NY, 1999)
  • Nemirovsky, Irene: David Golder (Paris, 1929)
  • Ornitz, Samuel: Haunch, Paunch, and Jowl (NY, 1923); @ http://archive.org/details/haunchpaunchandj00ornirich/mode/2up
  • Pappe, Ilan: Ten Myths About Israel (); The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oxford, 2008)
  • Radosh, Ronald and Allis: Red Star Over Hollywood – The Film Colony’s Long Romance with the Left, @ http://academia.edu/36340130/Radosh_A_Radosh_A_Red_Star_Over_Hollywood_The_Film_colonys_Long_Romance_With_The_Left; Commies – A Journey Through the Old Left, the New Left, and the Leftover Left (NY, 2001)
  • Revici, Marcus, alias “Marcus Eli Ravage”: “A Real Case Against the Jews/Comissary to the Gentiles” (orig. 1928; republ. in – see below – Dalton, Classic Essays on the Jewish Question, pp. 227-242.
  • Rokach, Livia: Israel’s Sacred Terrorism – A Study Based on Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary and Other Documents (Belmont, 1980)
  • Romerstein, Herbert and Eric Breindel: The Venona Secrets – Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors (Washington, 2000)
  • Rose, Jacqueline: The Question of Zion (Princeton, 2005)
  • Rosenberg, Daniel: Underground Communists in the McCarthy Period – A Family Memoir (Lewiston, 2008)
  • Roth, Philip: Portnoy’s Complaint (NY, 1969)
  • Rothman, Stanley and S. Robert Lichter: Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left (NY, 1980)
  • Rubenberg, Cheryl: Israel and the American National Interest – A Critical Examination (Chicago, 1986)
  • Samuel, Maurice: You Gentiles (NY, nd.)
  • Schechter, Jerrold and Leona: Sacred Secrets – How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History (Dulles, 2002)
  • Schulman, Daniel: The Money Kings – Epic Story of the Jewish Immigrants Who Transformed Wall Street and Shaped Modern America (NY, 2023)
  • Schvarzman, Sheila: Elia Kazan’s America – In Defense of Naming Names, @ http://academia.edu/5341206/Elia_Kazan_s_America_In_defense_of_Naming_Names
  • Slezkine, Yuri: The Jewish Century (Princeton, 2019). This clever Jew admits virtually all the accusations leveled at the Jews, esp. the Jewish-communist nexus, then flips it all to a positive, by portraying his satanic, subversive Tribe as “apostles of modernity”.
  • Sorin, Gerald: review of Rothman and Cohen books, cited above, re Jewish-communist nexus, in Modern Judaism, IV/1, February 1984, 105-111
  • Stein, Joel: “Who Runs Hollywood? C’mon….”, @ http://latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html
  • Toaff, Ariel: Passovers of Blood (orig. Italian ed. 2007; after the Zionist swarm descended, a heavily censored ed. appeared. Unexpurgated English-language eds. NY/London, 2016 & 2020)
  • Unz, Ronald @ http://unz.com (esp. his own “American Pravda” essays)
  • Wistrich, Robert: Revolutionary Jews from Marx to Trotsky (London, 1976)
  • Wouk, Herman: Marjorie Morningstar (NY, 1955)



B.) Anti-Zionist and/or Anti-Jewish Works by Whites, Christians, and other non-Jews


          1. Foundational Texts & websites


  • Al Liquori: @ http://judaism.is
  • anon: When Victims Rule, @ http://holywar.org/jewishtr/wvr.htm
  • Armstrong, George: The Rothschild Money Trust (np., 1940)
  • Chamberlain, H.S.:
  • Corti, Egon: The Rise of the House of Rothschild, 1770-1830; The Reign of the House of Rothschild, 1830-1871 (NY, 1928)
  • Dalton, Thomas: The Jewish Hand in the World Wars (Uckfield, 2019); Eternal Strangers – Critical Views of Jews and Judaism Throughout the Ages (Uckfield, 2020); Classic Essays on the Jewish Question, 1850-1945 (Uckfield, 2022)
  • Dilling, Elizabeth: The Octopus (orig. 1940, repr. Metarie, 1985)
  • Drumont, Edouard: La France Juive (2 vols., orig 1886; excerpt in Dalton – see above – Classic Essays on the Jewish Question, pp. 125-146.
  • Duhring, Eugen: The Jewish Question as a Racial, Moral, and Cultural Question (orig. 1881; republ. 1997) & also @ http://archive.org/details/EugenDuhringOnTheJews
  • Erlich, J.R.: The New Crowd: Changing of the Jewish Guard on Wall Street ()
  • Farrakhan, Louis: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews ()
  • Ford, Henry: The International Jew – the World’s Foremost Problem (orig. 1920-22, repr. 1948)
  • Goebbels, Joseph: The Early Goebbels Diaries, 1925-1926 (NY, 1962); The Goebbels Diaries, 1939-1941 (NY, 1983); The Goebbels Diaries, 1942-1943 (NY, 1948); Final Entries 1945 – The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels (NY, 1978); Dalton, Thomas. ed.: Goebbels on the Jews (Uckfield, 2019)
  • Grimstad, Bill: The Jews on Trial (Torrance, 1973); 2nd rev. ed. as Antizion: A Survey of Commentary on Organized Jewry by Leading Personalities Throughout the Ages (1976). This ed. an excellent starting point for anyone newly aware of the Jewish problem in all of its dimensions: racial, economic, political, cultural, and historical.
  • Heddesheimer, Don: The First Holocaust – Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims During and After World War One (Chicago, 2005)
  • Hitler, Adolf: “First Letter on the Jews” (orig. 1919; republ. in – see above – Dalton, Classic Essays on the Jewish Question, pp. 111-114. Mein Kampf (orig. 1924; many times republ). I consult the (Boston, 1943) Ralph Manheim translation; Hitler’s Table Talk (NY, 1953); Hitler’s Secret Book (NY, 1961); Edouard Calic, ed.: Secret Conversations with Hitler – The 1931 Interviews (NY, 1971)
  • John, Robert and Sami Hadawi: The Palestine Diary, 1914-1948 (2 vol., Beirut, 1970)
  • Jones, E. Michael: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit (); http://culturewars.com
  • Luther, Martin: On The Jews and Their Lies (0rig. 1543, repr. NY, 2020)
  • Macdonald, Kevin: A People that shall Dwell Alone – Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (Westport, 1994); The Culture of Critique – An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (Westport, 1998; self-publ. 2002, w new preface)
  • Marlowe, Christopher: The Rich Jew of Malta (London, 1590)
  • Marr, Wilhelm: “Victory of Jewry over Germandom” (orig. 1879; republ. in – see above – Dalton, Classic Essays on the Jewish Question, pp. 95-124.
  • Pierce, William: @ http://nationalvanguard.org/category/william-pierce/
  • Pound, Ezra: Poetry and Prose, Vol. VIII; & Cantos, @ http://archive.org/details/cantosofezrapoun00ezra/mode/2up
  • Reed, Douglas: Controversy of Zion (ms. 1956; publ. Hayden, 2012)
  • Renegade Tribune: @ http://renegadetribune.com
  • Sanderson, Brenton: Battle Lines – Essays on Western Culture, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism (np., 2020)
  • Solzhenitsyn, Alexander: Dvesti Let Vmeste (2 vols., Moscow, 2001), @ http://archive.org/details/200YearsTogether
  • Suarez, Thomas: State of Terror – How Terrorism Created Modern Israel (Bloxham, 2016)
  • Tormay, Cécile: An Outlaw’s Diary – The Revolution (London, 1923; great human testament from Hungary, 1918-1919, in the agonies of defeat and murderous Jew-communist takeover. The Jews do not like this book, hence unobtanium in hard copy; but – so far – online @ http://archive.orgdetails/outlawsdiary01tormuoft/page/n8/mode/1up  Also read the magnificent sequel: An Outlaw’s Diary: The Commune (NY, 1924; online @ http:archive.org/details/outlawsdiarycomm0000ceci
  • various: Forschungen über das Judentum (8 vols., Berlin, 1936-1943; republished 1996)
  • various: Journal of Palestine Studies, @ http://jstor.org/journal/jpalestud
  • Voltaire, François: see esp. Essai sur les Moeurs and “Juif” in Dictionnaire Philosophique
  • Wagner, Richard: “Jewry in Music” (orig. 1869; republ. in Dalton – see above – Classic Essays on the Jewish Question, pp. 7-44.
  • Weir, Alison: Against Our Better Judgment ()




          2. other enlightening works on the Jewish problem:



  • Allegro, John: The Chosen People – A Controversial History of the Jews (np., 1971)
  • de Boyer Argens, Jean-Baptiste: The Jewish Spy – Being a Philosophical, Historical, and Critical Correspondence Between Certain Jews….(London, 1740); avail. OL @ archive &/or google books
  • Cole, Tim: Selling the Holocaust – From Auschwitz to Schindler, How History is Bought, Packaged, and Sold (NY, 2000)
  • Combs, James: Who’s Who in the World Zionist Conspiracy (Reedy, 1978)
  • Elmhurst, Ernest: The World Hoax (np., 1938)
  • Desportes, Henri: Le Mystère du Sang Chez les Juifs des Tous le Temps (Paris, 1889); available OL @ Archive &/or google books. Also: Tué Par les Juifs – Histoire d’un Meurtre Rituel (Paris, 1890); avail. OL @ archive &/or google books
  • Garaudy, Roger: The Founding of Modern Israel (Newport Beach, 2000)
  • Huot, Antonio: La Question Juive – Quelques Observations sur la Question de Meurtre Rituel (Quebec City, 1914); avail. OL @ archive &/or google books
  • Hurley, Andrew: One Nation Under Israel (Scottsdale, 1999)
  • Jacquet, A.: Moyens Practique d’arriver a l’anéantissement de la Puissance Juive en France (Paris, 1896)
  • Koster, John: Operation Snow – How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White Hoise Triggered Pearl Harbor (NY, 2012)
  • Martin, James J.: Revisionist Viewpoints – Essays in a Dissident Historical Tradution (Menlo Park, 1971)
  • Mullins, Eustace: Mullin’s New History of the Jews (Staunton, 1978)
  • de Pascal, Georges: La Juiverie (Paris, 1887); avail. OL @ archive &/or google books
  • Rittenhouse, Stan: For Fear of the Jews (Vienna, Va., 1982)
  • Said, Edward and Christopher Hitchens, eds.: Blaming the Victims – Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question (London, 2001)
  • Seton-Hutchison, Graham: Meteor (London, 1933). pp. 57-79 deal with Judeo-communism and other anti-Western Civ Jewish machinations.
  • Steed, Henry Wickham: Through Thirty Years – A Personal Narrative, 1892-1922 (2 vols., NY, 1924)
  • Suzuki, Ikuo: Unmasking Anne Frank (np., 2022)
  • Toussenel, Alphonse: Les Juifs Rois de l’Époque – Histoire de la Féodalité Financière (Paris, 1847); avail. OL @ archive &/or google books
  • Viau, Raphaël et Françoise Bournand: Les Femmes d’Israel (Paris, 1898); avail. OL @ archive &/or google books
  • Webster, Nesta: World Revolution (London, 1921)
  • Wheatcroft, Geoffrey: The Controversy of Zion – Jewish Nationalism,. the Jewish State, and the Unresolved Jewish Dilemma (Reading, 1996)
  • Wiehe, Friederich Karl: Germany and the Jewish Quesion (Berlin, 1938), @ http://www.controversyofzion.info/germany_jewish_question.htm
  • Yankevich, Leo: Tikkun Olam and Other Poems (San Francisco, 2012)


C.) Pro-Jewish/Zionist Apologetics by Jews/Jewesses and hired $habbatz Goyim


  • Barkan, Elazar: Retreat of Scientific Racism – Changing Concepts of Race and Britain and the United States Between the World Wars (Cambridge, 1993)
  • Bell, J. Bowyer: Terror Out of Zion – Shock Troops of Israeli Independence (NY, 1977)
  • Bermant, Chaim: Jews (London, 1977)
  • Cuddihy, John Murray: Ordeal of Civility – Freud, Marx, Levi-Strauss, and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity (NY, 1987)
  • Evans, Richard J.: Telling Lies about Hitler (London, 2002)
  • Ferguson, Niall: The House of Rothschild – Money’s Prophets, 1798-1848; The House of Rothschild – The World’s Banker, 1849-1999 (NY, 1999)
  • Garfinkle, Adam: Jewcibtricity – Why the Jews are Praised, Blamed, and Used to Explain Just About Everything (Hoboken, 2009)
  • Goldhagen, Daniel: The Devil that Never Dies – The Rise of Global Anti-Semitism (NY, 2013)
  • Grodzinsky, Francis: The Golden Scapegoat – Portrait of the Jew in the Novels of Balzac NY, 1989)
  • Hart, Mitchell, ed.: Jews and Race – Writings on Identity and Difference, 1880-1940 (Waltham, 2011)
  • Heine, Heinrich: On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany (orig. publ. serially in Revue de Deux Mondes (Paris, 1834-36) and currently available in English translation @ http://amazon.com
  • Lebrecht, Norman: Why Mahler? How One Man and Ten Symphonies Changed the World (London, 2010)
  • Lessing, Gottherd: Nathan the Wise (orig. 1779; republ. 2020)
  • Levine, Daniel: Birth of the Irgun Zvai Leumi – A Jewish Liberation Movement (Jerusalem, 1991)
  • Lindemann, Albert: Esau’s Tears – Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews (Cambridge, 2000)
  • Nachman, Ben-Yehuda: Political Assassinations by Jews – A Rhetorical Device for Justice (Albany, 1993)
  • Novick, Peter: The Holocaust and Collective Memory (London, 2000)
  • Ostrer, Harry: Legacy – a Genetic History of the Jewish People ()
  • Rose, Paul L.: German Question/Jewish Question – Revolutionary Anti-Semitism from Kant to Wagner (Princeton, 1992)
  • Rubin, Theodore Issac: Ani-Semitism, A Disease of the Mind (NY, 2011)
  • Sachar, Howard: History of the Jews in the Modern World (NY, 2005)
  • Sacks, Jonathan: Future Tense: Jews, Judaism, and Israel in the Twenty-First Century (NY, 2012); The Home We Build Together – Recreating Society (London, 2009); Will We have Jewish Grandchildren? Jewish Continuity and How to Achieve It ; London, 1994)
  • Sussman, Robert: The Myth of Race: Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea (Cambridge, 2014)
  • Unger, Irwin and Debi: The Guggenheims, a Family History (NY, 2006)
  • Weiner, Richard: Richard Wagner and the Anti-Semitic Imagination (Lincoln, 1997)
  • Wistrich, Robert: From Ambivalence to Betrayal – The Left, the Jews, and Israel (Lincoln, 2012); Antisemitism, The Longest Hatred (London, 1992)
  • Slezkine, Yuri: The Jewish Century (ed. w new pref., Princeton, 2019); The House of Government ()